Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

3 Months Old

Jaiden woke up a little after 8am and we needed to leave our house by 8:30am to make it to his 3 month Doctors appt. Jesse quickly gave him a bottle and we changed his diaper. We questioned keeping him in his Jammies but did it anyways. We figured how bad could he really smell.
Usually it is playtime after his bottle at this hour but not today he was stuck in his car seat. He was still a good boy.

The nurse escorted us into the examining room, we took his clothes off and quickly put him on the scale. Both of us were anxious to see how much he weighed. A whopping 16lbs 15.4oz, and 24 1/2 in long. Our guess was close so it was not a surprise. When the Doctor walked in she said,"OMG...look at that healthy baby" and then we all laughed. She shared with us that he is in the 95% for his weight and 75% for his length. We have a growing boy on/in our hands I say. She examined him quickly and told us to just keep doing what we are doing.

Jaiden turned 3 months on Sunday. It is unbelievable that we are home now with a 3 month old. When I am talking to people and I tell them I have a 3 month old, as soon as the words come out of my mouth, my heart skips a beat and I have to stop from pinching myself in public. He is our little miracle.

Let me tell you about some more new things Jaiden is doing. He found his hands about a week ago.He brings his fist up to his face and opens his hand and will try to shove the whole thing in his mouth. He doesn't realize how big his hands are! We've definitely have an "oral" child! He wants to put everything in his mouth. It is amazing to watch him have so much control of his arms and hands which seemed to just happen over night. He brings his hands together sometimes as if he is praying and now and then he will interlock them holding each tight. Jaiden now pulls his own little toys down and then releases them so they make a noise as they go up. He plays for a very long time on his favorite Einstein mat exploring every little detail and is great at entertaining himself. The other night after his bottle I had him sitting up on my lap and I was facing the TV. He just sat there with one hand on the arm rest chilling out watching TV for seriously about 1/2 hour. He was mesmerized.He can hold his head up pretty sturdy and gets to giggling really hard on a regular basis. We bought him a bouncer that you hang from the door way. He's too small for it, but we propped him up with a towel behind him so he would sit upright and not lean too forward. He was so funny, touching his tippy toes on the ground and giving himself a push up. He would surprise himself bouncing and we would bust up laughing. His facial expressions said it all.

I know I have mentioned this before but one of my favorite hours of the day is when Jaiden is first waking up. I approach the crib with a "good morning Jaiden" and he instantly looks up at me, smiles and gives himself the biggest stretch I have ever seen. First his left side, then his right side, then his left side again, he rubs his eyes, and arches his back before he is done with his morning ritual. Once he is wide eyed, he cracks another smile and then the talking begins. Oh can he talk, on and on and on. I only wish I could understand what he was saying. I make up in my mind what I think he says and answer him back. Back and forth we go for awhile and ever so often he begins to belly ache laugh. Now that is the BEST...laughing! What a great way to start my day!

Our child care provider is teaching him sign language and before I know it he is going to be telling me he wants his bottle with a hand gesture. Sometimes I think he signs it to me now.

Jesse is teaching him how to count to 2 with his fingers, and we swear he does it..he gives us the "peace" sign! 3 months old and spreading "peace", now that's what I"m talking about!

Each day there is something new. His hair grows a bit, his legs get longer, his eyes get bigger, his laugh gets louder, his clothes size gets bigger...and each day we are so grateful for our child.

I must run and pack my groovy diaper bag because Jess just told me Jaiden's coming to work with me in the morning. YAHOO!

Promise to write again soon.
