These 3 months have been astonishing with Jaiden's understanding of words, forming intricate sentences, using plurals, counting in both English and Spanish and expressing himself with the word that describes a particular emotion.
It has been such an enormous joy to watch Jaiden develop. He is the kind of kid that thinks about what he is going to say before he says it. He will actually put his finger to his mouth and say, "hmmm", as he is thinking about what he wants to say. You can ask him anything and he will give you an answer. It is just like communicating with an adult. If I don't understand something, he will tell me "mere mere" (come here) and take me and show me what he is trying to say. Like the other day he said to me while pointing at a picture in a book of "friends", 'Mommy friends outide tweet." And I kept saying it back to him incorrectly because I could not understand what he was saying. So he told me to "mere mere" and took me into the garage, told me to open the garage door and then pointed to the street. Oh then I got it. His friends were outside in the "street."
We have spent allot of time at Pop Pop's and Bubbe's especially when Jess was gone. He went on a week long fishing trip to Loretto Mexico brought home lots of fish for us, although not as much as he has on past fishing trips, and then he went on a extra long weekend dirt bike camping trip. During that time Jaiden and I spent one night at Bubbe's. It was the first time we slept over. Had a great time, stayed in our PJ's till 11am the next morning and Bubbe made her famous french toast. Super fun.
We have been talking about Potty Training for some time and have had a few potty's in the house since Jaiden was 18months old. Most nights before he takes a bath he will go pee pee in the potty.One night June 2, 2011 Jaiden was undressed and ready for his bath but Dad was doing something fun out front so we ran out front for a minute to check it out. We played for a little while naked out front and then Jaiden ran behind a planter and said with this strained look on his face, "Mommy I have to go poop!" I swooped him up and placed him on his potty because there was no time for anything else. And he went! We cheered him on, and he cheered himself. Never thought we would be so happy about "poop." We tried a few times after that to put him on the potty but he was not diggin it. On July 21st I told Jaiden tomorrow we are going to gather all of your diapers and give them to the babies that need them- the next morning July 22 that is exactly what we did. Jaiden went around the whole house gathering his diapers. I told Juana that on that day just to have either running around naked or in his big boy underwear. And that is what she did. She took him to the park they played, he had a few accidents that day and that was it. The following day he had one accident -and since then he has never looked back. At first he had a pull-up on at nap time but then he did not want one, so we took it off. The first week when he would wake up from his nap he would point to his sheet and say, "my crib is aaaaaall dry" and it would be. I put a pull-up on him at night but that only lasted about 3 weeks when one night he told me no more pull-up Mommy. So I said, "you got it, no more pull-up!" He is so funny, for about the first 3 weeks he walked around saying, "no more diapers." "I have my big boy underwear on." SO cute! Of course I had to buy him a million pairs of size 2T underwear, some with characters on them, like Buzz Light year, Mickey Mouse, some boxer style, but my fav which I could not refuse to buy are his Calvin Klein's. Yes I know sounds crazy but come on how darn cute are a size 2T Calvin? Worth every penny! We are so proud of our lil dude.