Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Minnesota Bound

We have booked our flights and are leaving tomorrow Saturday the 10th for Minnesota on the 6:50am plane. Janet we will be ready and waiting for you to pick us up!
Yesterday I was talking to Kelsie and she said she was wondering if Jess and I would consider coming to "hang out" before the baby comes. There was no question about it for us, only what day and how quickly we could get there. Before we could blink an eye we made our arrangements.
All night long we thought about "hanging out" with Kelsie and her belly!
Our hearts have ached for some time now to be close to Kelsie and now we are less than 30 hours away.
For us it is unbelievable that in a short amount of time we will be welcoming a new baby into this world!
Stay tuned...


  1. We are sending our love and positive thoughts with you.
    Love The Pollacks

  2. HOORAY!!!!
    That's AWESOME! Better to be waiting all together that to be so far away from each other. What Fun! This is going to be a trip of a lifetime for sure.
    Travel save and I will be on the edge of my seat waiting for pictures of little "bubba" and his arrival into this world.

  3. Ready...breathe!

    Love ya,
    Ron & Liz

  4. Yikes the time is now I can't believe it I'm so happy for all of us who have been a the journey of a life time.

    Love you both
    Mom and Dad W

  5. I have my alarm set for 4:30am! It is with pure joy that I get up at that un-godly hour on a Saturday to take you to the airport! Any one of your supporters would be happy to do it and I am honored to be the one!

    See you soon!

    Love, J

  6. We are so excited with you.........the journey has been long and hard but the reward is coming.
    Love you both,
    Mom and Dad Ash
    aka momma and pops

  7. We are all with you in this your last journey to find our finally found child. The family is doing the right thing and I thank them with all my and our hearts for giving this child a great start in life.

    Mom and Dad W

  8. Hello my darling, I don't want to bother you, can you please update the blog nightly.. please tell are you?

  9. Stay tuned !! ... they say. Are you kidding ??... Wishing an easy delivery and a happy birthing day. And safe flights and happiness for all...

    bald uncle
    (to be.. the uncle part, already have the bald)

  10. Day 1 in Minnesota is almost over. I'm sure it was an exciting, emotional & loooong day. Now it is time to relax...and tell all of us friends-&-family-who-are-dying-to-hear-the-details EVERYTHING! xoxo

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Jessie have the greatest birthday ever and I'm sure it is talk to you soon my best to everyone in your circle of life.

    love ya
