Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

2 month Dr.'s appointment

Today was the little guys 2 month Dr's appt. He is just short of 2 months by 7 days. The routine during this visit besides weighing in and being checked is vaccinations.
Right after we entered the examining room the nurse told us to take the baby's clothes off including his diaper. Both Jess and I looked at each other like does she know this baby could very easily pee all over the place? That did not seem to bother her, but we were scared. She then told us to place him on the scale. Now just yesterday my parents, Jess and I all guessed his weight and meant to place a bet but we forgot the bet part.
Anyways wouldn't you know it, big Daddy won...yep he guessed his weight by .2 of an ounce. I was off by a pound but whose counting?
The baby weighs 14lbs 2.2oz. and is 23 1/2 in long. Our Doctor was quite impressed and said he is a very healthy baby and to continue what we are doing. Next the Doctor talked to us about the vaccinations and before we knew it the nurse was back in the room with 3 syringes. I was the one that was feeling the pain before the little guy was even stuck. When the nurse put the injection in Jesse held the baby's hands and we both continued to reassure him that everything was okay...and with each injection the baby cried but only for a minute. You ask if I was crying?...nope but I definitely wanted to make it all better right away. The baby fell asleep in Jesse's arms as soon as the nurse was done.
I realized at some point today that we never really had a "newborn." From the beginning our baby was healthy, solid, and not that fragile . He has made it very easy for us new parents to jump right in and not be afraid.
I kissed his owees tonight before I put him down to sleep, probably more for me than for him. I can hardly stand it that I am kissing owees...who would have ever thought it would be so good.
Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!


  1. He's a moose...but from one moose to another...ROCK ON!
    Eat while you can. Soon enough you will be influeneced by advertising and your peers and God knows whatever else. Besides..your mom may have you jogging as soon as you can walk!
    CHILL and eat ICE CREAM!!

    Auntie JJ

  2. I love reading about your days:)
    Cuz, Amy
