Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Each day I can not wait to greet the baby in his crib come morning hour.As soon as I can hear him, I quickly run to his room ( cause I can hardly stand it) and am overly delighted to his bright smiling face. Smiling...yes smiling. He smiles every morning when he sees my face. Now that in itself could just melt my heart, but it continues all day long. How did I get to be so lucky? There is nothing quite like it...a smile!
We have been playing, and investigating our new surroundings. Traveled for a few hours the other day on foot with the little one riding in a baby bjourn face out strapped around me. It was so delicious. After about 1/2 hour he feel asleep and I just kept walking bouncing him while he gripped my fingers and listened to me breathing hard as I climbed the hills. Not so easy when you have a 14pd baby strapped on you. Actually not sure how much he weighs but we will find out on Thursday when he has his 2 month Doctor's appt. Yep 2 months. Actually he will be 7 weeks and 4days old on his appt day, but they call it his 2 month appt. I am told he will have a few shots but he can count on Mommy and Daddy being right there to help ease the pain.
Can not believe how fast the time has gone. Here we are at home with a 7 week old. Impossible it seems. Those tortured anxious days of waiting and not knowing are over. Yes there will be other challenging days in our lives but those particular days are over. And I would live through them all over again for the 3 of us to be together.
I layed down on the baby's blanket with him and watched him kick and punch and kick and punch, and swing his arms, and try to eat his fingers wondering what he must be thinking. I do know that he definitely recognizes both Jesse and my voice. He is very sensitive to noise, loves music and can smell his bottle from a mile away.
This was exciting. Saturday late afternoon we attended a party but we were home by 8pm. Partying rock star nights are on hold for now. I gave him a bottle and put him down to sleep at 9:00pm. He did not awake until 5:00am- that's right 8 straight hours of sleep. Now only if I did not check on him a million times to make sure he was still breathing I too would have had an 8 hour sleep. I am hoping that was just the beginning of many many more 8 consecutive hours of sleep.
Sometimes Jess and I will sneak into the baby's room when he is asleep and just listen to the funny noises he makes, and watch his face twitch and body move.Quietly we laugh and pinch each other. Then we must somehow leave his room without waking him, and that is a task in itself because the hardwood floors squeak and if you step on the wrong one, well you wake up the baby. It's become a game for us...getting out of his room. One foot 10feet in front of the other almost doing the splits so not to step on that one squeaky piece of wood floor. Kind of like twister. Last night Jesse got out of the room in 2 steps which truthfully only a pro limbo player could do. Never knew he had it in him. You learn something new every day.
In awe with each day, thankful and more grateful than ever before.


  1. He's probably smiling because he's thinking of his Auntie JJ!!

    HAHAHA! Enjoy it all girl. You guys deserve it!

  2. I don't think it's gas this time..
    That smile is for real

    Love Aunt

  3. The birth announcement is gorgeous...the perfect pictures.....Jaiden and you two are now officially on the refrigerator alongside Jaiden's 8 East Coast cousins.
    Your writing is very visual and the image of the two of you sneaking out of his room is hysterical.
    The anxiety has been transformed into giggles and joy.
    Love from your Auntie M and Uncle Larry.
