Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


On Oct 12th Jaiden turned 9 months old. How is that possible?

Jaiden now weighs over 23lbs and is 30in long. Growing at a consistent rate. He had his immunizations at his 9month Dr's appt, along with a flu shot. He cried and I could barely stand it. I held him so tight and wiped his real watery tears as they poured from his eyes.

Jaiden now says, "da da " which of course just sends a warm chill though Jess. He cruises from one piece of furniture to another, pulls himself up, and makes all kinds of new sounds. It is really funny because you can see him thinking about his next step, whatever it is. When he is cruising he never just goes for it until he is certain there is a place for at least one of his hands. We can see his mind figuring it out. He gets so excited when he makes a transfer and expresses it by turning his head around to make sure someone is watching and then he cracks a huge smile. The other day he went from his tummy to his bottom, something he had not done before so of course now all day long he goes from his tummy to his bottom, over and over again. He is trying to climb up 2 stairs from the living room to the dining room. He can't quite get it but I am sure it wont' be long. The gates will be coming out the attic/storage soon.

A wonderful never to be forgotten moment was yesterday morning. We heard Jaid playing in his crib like he always does in the morning. We both approached his door and quietly opened it. As we started to sing our "good morning" song to him we were caught by surprise to see him "STANDING" in his crib holding onto the rail so proud. Yep "STANDING!" We cheered him on and yahooed him. It was very exciting for all of us. When I got home last night we had to adjust his crib for the second time so that his mattress is low to the ground for safety. Making sure he does not have an opportunity to escape!

A new situation has come up every time I take babylicious out of the bathtub. He screams so loud the neighbors probably think something fishy is going on. He LOVES the bath, and even if he is freezing, and his fingers look like prunes and his teeth are chattering he still does not want to come out. It's actually quite cute. The other day Jess and I had to stradegize about how we would take him out , I must say it worked somewhat now we just have to perfect it.

A year ago Oct 31st I received "the call' from my sister Gaby about Jaid. I remember clear as day, and I remember exactly what she said. I called my sister to tell her it was a year ago and we both reminisced about our phone call that day. The phenomenal thing is that now we have a 9month old son whom we love like no other.

Halloween was wonderful. We celebrated with some friends and family. Our "hood" is quite the place to be on Halloween. So much fun...Jaid went trick or treating in his pirate costume. Arr-He was so darn cute! This day meant so much more to me than just Halloween.

Every day we learn more and more about our little angel and every day we are so grateful. He brings with him more joy than we ever imagined, he makes our lives more complete!

1 comment:

  1. It is so wonderful to be able to feel the joy in your soul as you write about your son. He is perfect in every way (much like my godson!!).Better lock the Italian dishes in the attic. Once he's really walking...nothing is safe!
    Continue to enjoy every step of the journey!
    Auntie JJ
