Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Days and weeks went by as Jess and I began to heal. Although it was the toughest thing the two of us endured together as a couple we managed to pull ourselves out of it the best we could. However there was an understanding between the two of us that the "A" (adoption) word was forbidden.

Just when we felt we were healing a day of depression would hit like a strong wind knocking us back to the depths of despair. It would just creep up on us with no warning whatsoever. What helped us to get through these difficult times were our friends, family, therapist, and others who had similar experiences as ours and had returned home from the Ukraine childless too. I had posted our story on a Russian/Ukrainian website and I was amazed at how many people with similar stories reached out to us. We all helped each other in so many ways by sharing, exchanging coping strategies, leaning on one another, but there was one special couple whose path crossed ours and we were again forever changed.

A special blessing came to us in an e-mail a few weeks after we returned home. When we were in the Ukraine we had met a couple for a brief moment at the SDA as they were walking down the stairs and we were standing in the hall. I mean a brief moment, not more than 2 minutes.We exchanged a few words, and that was it. The following day I was walking on the busiest street in Kiev on the phone with my Mother crying hysterical because we had just found out we were denied our 3rd appt. when this couple we had met the day before was headed towards me. They stopped to talk to me, but I told them I was on the phone and it was obvious I was extremely upset. All I said to them was " I can not talk but things did not work out for us." That was it. The woman then hugged me in the middle of the street, and said, "God Bless you!" I instantly felt comforted by her, she was an angel who had come to me when I really needed it. Well when we returned home I had posted our story on this website and I received an e-mail from a woman in Indiana who said, I think you may be this woman I hugged in the middle of street (something I have never done before) and if you are please e-mail me back, and if you aren't then sorry to have bugged you. Well it was the couple we had met in the Ukraine for only 2 minutes that one afternoon at the SDA. They had found us by reading my posting on the Russian/Ukrainian website . Sadly they also returned home without a child too. They have been a great help to us and we are so grateful that they found us. Something positive came out of our hardship!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole & Jess, yours is truly a life-affirming story. I wish for Kelsie an easy delivery and for all of you a healthy baby and a joyous new year. Much, much love - Melva
