Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Lobby

We spent the whole day at the hospital.The day was filled with so many different emotions. It was a strange and intense day. There were many visitors for Kelsie, friends, social workers, teachers, and relatives. For the most part Jess and I sat in the lobby trying to maintain. We did our best to be invisible and grant Kelsie her wish of spending the first 48 hours with the baby. It was a struggle. Every minute I wanted to run up to Kelsie's room and hold the baby and every minute Jess reminded me to breath. Every other minute I reminded Jess to breath. How could we be so close yet so far away? With great restraint we managed to only go to Kelsie's room a few times. Because the room was always filled with people it was hard to get a good look at the big boy, plus he was bundled in a blanket and Kelsie had a strong hold on him, she was not letting him go . I so badly wanted to hold him, talk to him, squeeze him, smell him and kiss him but that never happened.
We try to imagine what Kelsie is feeling, and are extremely sensitive to her needs but I had no idea how hard it would be.
You would not be able to tell that Jess and I are new parents unless you are in a room alone with us. In front of the hospital crowds we are just two ordinary people waiting in the lobby. But that will change very soon.
Tomorrow or actually today since it past 12:00am we will be shouting from the rooftops, "Who's your Daddy? Who's your Momma?"
We can use all your positive energy sometime around noon, that is when the transition should be taking place.
Listen carefully for the cries of joy...that will be Jess and I.


  1. Oh my gosh Nicole. It's Grenda. How strange that I would choose today to go back and read some of my old posts. I saw a comment from you and followed it to your blogger profile which lead me here. What a day to find your blog. Congrats on your new baby boy. I cannot wait to see pictures. Enjoy every moment. Hugs to you both!

  2. Well time marches on and maybe by next week at this time your bundle of joy will be in his new home. Just enjoying life with his new parents and grandparents. I'm praying everything stays on track.

    I feel with you.

  3. It is absolutely to early (3am) to be crying like a big old baby with a wet diaper but that is what I am doing tears of joy and some sadness run down my face. It is so strange but the twin connection has been present the last few days and I feel every bit of you struggle deep inside. But it is Gods will that today is the day. Who's you daddy, Who's you mommy NOW!!!!!!!!!!!
    Alli B

  4. As always, we are sending tons of positive energy & love your way. It will be a tough day, but you are strong, and the prize is well worth it :)! We can't wait to hear all the details of Baby, once he is in your arms...very soon!!! Love you both!! xoxo

  5. All the magic tokens and lucky charms are being rubbed and re-rubbed to insure a complete transfer and adoption of your son. Candles are lit from Glendale to Poland, Ohio! I woke up several times last night to make another wish/prayer…just to remind the forces that are that this just has to happen!
    As I crawled over Sophie to get out of bed (because God forbid the dog wake up!), I imagined your BIG bundle of joy laying between you two in your bed as you look at one another and giggle with pure joy! It’s going to happen very soon. Keep breathing…positive energy!

    Love, J

  6. We have a special white candle lit just for your special baby boy. Mia has her whole school praying and Despi has the candle lit under the Virgin Mary in her backyard. Only strong positive thoughts for the 3 of you actually the 4 of you. THANK YOU KELSIE!!!!! stay focused and and keep breathing. You will soon be home..


    Anna, Keeley, Mia & Mateo

  7. I called my mom to light the candles and send the good energy and prayers to all of you in this very strange and special time. I know that you are going through the gamut of emotions but remember that this child is meant for you and above all patience and wisdom is so important right now. The seas will part again and you will take your baby home very soon. All our love and prayers to you and remember to always keep swimming...
    Love, Olga, Ari & Keith.

  8. Nicole and Jess~ I have been excitedly checking your blog every morning before work so I can get the latest! Throughout the days, I've been asking God to renew your strength and hope for each moment. I thought of this verse when I was pondering the emotions of everyone involved in this special adoption. I hope it encourages you as you continue to transition...

    For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

    God's Peace and Hope to you ALL!
    Love, Jodi

  9. Nicole and Jesse,

    I am looking forward to your safe return so that I can give both of you a big hug. I am so very excited for all of you. Hmmm.. the Moroccan Room might have to be renamed... hmmmm. :-)

    Bald Uncle

  10. Oh, Nik and Jes....My heart is filled with love for the three of you and although the Babe doesn't know it yet, he is about to go on the most loving and wonderful journey; as are you, darlings. Uncle Larry and I send lots of love.
    Mom is keeping me informed with the news..
    Awaiting pictures.

  11. Wha-Whoo!!! Yipee!
    Can't wait to meet him.
    All our love.
