Still believing in 3!

The brick walls are there not to keep us out, only to make us realize how much we want something.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Kelsie turned 17 on Feb 12th. She is a remarkable young girl with so much potential. In the small amount of time that she has been on earth she has endured many challenges and has risen above them. She is wise beyond her years, and savvy in ways only adults understand.

The instant we met I felt a connection. Kelsie is not an over affectionate young girl, and behind that you can feel a sense of not wanting to be disappointed. She is quite guarded and rightfully so, as anyone of us would be had we walked in her shoes.

If you dig deep enough the warmth and love will catch you by surprise. She is raw at times exposing herself, although she never wears it on her sleeve.

I admire her in ways I never knew were possible. Not only is she smart, charming, loving, and mature. She is not afraid to talk about what she feels, which for the most part I have found quite unusual for a 16 now 17 year old. She is brave like only a few I have known, and she is more giving than most of us will ever be.

I don't expect her to understand completely what she has given us, but one day she will. As much as she has given us I do feel we all needed each other equally. It was a perfect match.

Kelsie deserves to have someone encouraging her to be the best she can be, and to give her guidance. She is exceptionally bright and with direction I know she will find her way.

I am profoundly proud of Kelsie and the decision she made just weeks ago to place her child with us. She has given not only us the gift of life, but she has given life to our son. Ultimately by making this decision she has also given life to herself. My hope is that she slowly spreads her wings and allows them to take her on a successful flight. One that her biological son would be proud of.

Today and everyday that follows our hearts will be connected with Kelsie's and we will hold so close to us the remarkable young girl that gave us life.


  1. There is a saying that there are two things a parent can give a child. One is roots and the other is wings. Sounds like between all of you, "our" baby is already getting both. Thank you for letting us get to know Kelsie as well and thank you Kelsie for giving Little J the wings to fly to Jesse and Nicole.


  2. Wow Nik, what a beautiful commentary on Kelsie. Thank you for letting us take this journey with you.



  3. I am always knocked back to reality by how much love and kindness the both of you show to each other and to others. You make us all realize that life is so much about giving, respecting and loving. No doubt Kelsie will come to know this in due course.
